Life coaching + business support for coaches
Life Coaching helps you align your body, mind, and spirit to live your best life!

Feeling disconnected from these three essentials can negatively affect your career, your health, self-esteem, and your relationships.

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 My family! Loving our life in sunny San Diego!

After teaching in Los Angeles and San Diego for 15 years, I realized my heart was calling me to work with people on a more intimate level. Throughout my years in public education and interacting with thousands of children and adults, I realized that true happiness was evading most. The key to happiness is right there within us, but we are all too conditioned to look outside ourselves for the answers.

In a time where we are bombarded by outside information, it is easy to become disconnected from our internal compass. We are getting intuitive guidance on a daily basis, but so many of us can't seem to get out of our own way! Instead of living a passion-filled life guided by our heart and intuition, many of us are living a life guided by fear, "shoulds," and endlessly trying to meet the expectations of others.

I ignored this calling myself for many years, which led to a host of health issues and mystery illnesses. It wasn't until I had the courage to listen to my own inner wisdom that my health dramatically improved and I began to transform my life from the inside out.

My credentials include an M.A. in Education, Mindfulness Educator, Energy Practitioner, Professional Life Coaching Certification from the Life Purpose Institute, and an PCC Credential from the International Coaching Federation.

 Let's clear the blocks and cobwebs disconnecting you from your internal guidance system and begin transforming your life today!

Private Coaching

Business Support for Coaches

Group Coaching

Light Healing


Love from Clients